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The Beginning Of Death

Friday, January 30, 2009
In a Mess ToDae.... No ForM At All.... AfTeRn00N, I CouLd n0T sH00T in eVeN a PATHETIC BALL.... My FrieNds w3re all DisaPp0inTeD WiTh mE! SorrY GuyS my FaulT... At NiGhT, I pLaYeD in a TotallY diFF3rent w4y buT iN tHe EnD, KannA Elbowed On My ForeHead..... Finally Chu Ren Tou Di ( Swollen ).... BaSkEtBaLL dAnGeRoUs GaMe....SaD DaY~

Thursday, January 29, 2009
TodAe ShOuLd n0t haVe pLaYeD uSinG Street BasKeTbAll SkiLLs.... NoW, Toe NailS All BreAk aNd BleeD non-stop.... BuT StOppInG oF BleeDinG hAs succeeDeD aNd i mUsT n0t uSe StreeT sKiLLs AnyMore.... DisAdVanTage :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Today, we were given alot of tasks and homework to do.... Tiring but the teachers just wont stop giving~ Tmr, there will be lots of TesTs on Mathematics and Science Chem + Physics >.< Need to study for it... Oh man!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hehe~<3 I am back again. Today is a happy day for me^^ Long time nvr play basketball with my Clan members till so tong kuai^^ Love it^^ my Clan members~ Promise me that there will be days like this ahead of us in the future <3 Jiayous~^^

Monday, January 12, 2009
Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to this girl. Although, at that time he was just a retarded in his school, his future doesn't seemed too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to USA and will never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualise any future for the both of them, so let's go their own ways there and then,heartbroken, the guy agreed.
When he regained his confidence, he studied hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hardwork and with the help of friends, this guy became a top scholar.

"You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!"One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realise those were his ex-girlfriend's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same anymore, he was a top scholar. He had made it in life!

Before the guy can realise, the couple was walking towards a cemetary,and he got out of his car and followed them...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him. He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained, she did not leave for USA at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle ... therefore she had chosen to leave him.

She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept ...the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them but knowing you can't have them and will never see them again.

Monday, January 5, 2009
ThE TeAcHeRs ArE QuiTE NiCe aNd I FeELs QuiTe FuN iN mY cLaSs~ ThE coUrSe I wEnT iN iS sTiLL oKaY TiLL ToDaE~Chi0nG 4 O' L3v3Ls now~

Saturday, January 3, 2009
OppS, I still HaveN d0 mY HoLiDaY HoM3WorK.... HoPe I cAn ChiOnG FiniSh DuriNg ThE W33KeNd~

th- BOY

Name: KELVIN Lee
School: Kranji Sec
Age: SixTEEN


ShiR-LyNn ^-^|
PoRkS BuddieS :)|
My SiSt3R~|
HuiTiNg Ha0 PeNg Y0u~|
Joel~Cool Guy ;)|
Jiayu~Neighbour :)|
Pooh BeaR :d|
Man Jing aka goods supplier :)|

Active- CHATS


Music Playlist at MixPod.com January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
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October 2009
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July 2010
August 2010
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January 2013
September 2013

